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Outfit Contest

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Hi can I post like this?


--- Quote from: anxiety on December 22, 2020, 09:20:05 am ---Hi can I post like this?

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You need to show your character aswell.

Dominic 'anxiety' Toretto with his Nike shoes


--- Quote from: mrnobody on December 21, 2020, 06:50:13 pm ---I hope you like it, I did my best xD

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hey bro, good work! Unfortunately we've updated the rules, so the vehicle mod you're using won't count, neither will any skin mod of sort. Use the default stuff, but having some leniency, you can use graphical mods in game to enhance the visual look, and of course, you can use edit the picture too, to bring a twist (Kitem's OR Silviano_Mezzantini's picture can be an example). Good luck!



--- Quote from: Sophia on December 21, 2020, 12:58:02 pm ---You can not use any modifications in the game except visual mods, like graphics. Use of vehicle mods, externally added skins or similar stuff would not be taken into consideration.

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Oh... nevermind then


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