Official > Announcements

Staff Member of the Month

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June 2023


          Joined the team         
September 2022

          Joined the team         
April 2023

Beaten and Walt consistently contribute positively to the staff team.
Their approach to responsibilities is shown through their polite and mature attitude, reflecting their dedication.
They have truly enhanced the staff team and we extend our gratitude for their ongoing dedication.

Thank you to all staff members, past, present, and future for keeping MCNR enjoyable for many years to come

July 2023


          Joined the team         
October 2022

@Xx_Clara_Bunny_xX has always been helpful in every way. Swiftly addressing reports and offering guidance whenever possible, her proactive approach reflects her readiness to contribute and support.

Thank you to all staff members, past, present, and future for keeping MCNR enjoyable for many years to come

August 2023


          Joined the team         
August 2023

          Joined the team         
August 2023

Goldenboy and nxy have been a great addition to the staff team.
@Goldenboy has already proved his worth when he was a tester and he has continued working hard even after being promoted to moderator.
@nxy has joined us back as a moderator last month.He has proven to be dedicated to the staff team and he still shows the same determination he had when he first joined the team.
Both of them has been very active in game and responsive to complaints on forums.Congratulations to both of you and keep up with the good work!

Thank you to all staff members, past, present, and future for keeping MCNR enjoyable for many years to come

September 2023


September 2020

@MajesticFudgie has been here for a very long time as a developer.He helped Mike and the management team a lot on various aspects when our Operations Manager was on a break.
The staff team acknowledge your amazing effort and contribution for MCNR.Congratulations to you!

Thank you to all staff members, past, present and future for keeping MCNR enjoyable for many years to come

October 2023


October 2023

I am pleased to announce that @BeatEn is the staff member of this month. He is an active and dedicated member of the staff team, and his contributions make him a valuable asset to the team.

Thank you to all staff members, past, present and future for keeping MCNR enjoyable for many years to come.


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