Official > Announcements

Staff Member of the Month

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August 2022

Joined Team: February 2022

@Moody since they joined the staff team in 2021 as a tester they were an immense help to the team and helped where ever they could lend a hand.
Moody worked their way up through the ranks showing persistence and determination along the way!
Since being promoted to Admin in August,  they still show the same determination they did when they first joined the team.
Congratulations Moody on staff of the month for August 2022

Congratulations to all staff, past and present for their contributions towards the server.

September 2022
Joined Team: August 2022
@Foxie69 has been a wonderful character since they joined the staff team in August, quickly showing us they're capable of handling tasks
and listening and willing to learn they quickly found themselves being promoted to moderator
where they can further expand their skills. It's been wonderful having foxie on board as a staff member, and we would like
to congratulate you on staff of the month for September.

Congratulations to all staff, past and present for their contributions towards the server.

October 2022
Joined Team: August 2022
@Akeno rejoined the staff team in August 2022, after being dismissed for being a little maggot but they have greatly improved
since returning and proven to be a valuable member of the team both in and out of the game! 
It's been great having such a good addition to the staff team and
we hope you'll stick around!  Congratulations Akeno.

Congratulations to all staff, past and present for their contributions towards the server.

November 2022
Joined Team: April 2022
MafiaHunter has been a fantastic addition to the staff team, joining in April of 2022 he has proven to management he is respectful,
loyal, committed and reliable and we know we've got the ability to count on him when we need it
Thank you to everyone else for continued efforts to keep MCNR fun and prevent rulebreakers from ruining the experience for others.

December 2022
Joined Team: November 2022
Roro only joining the staff team as a tester back in November 2022 quickly proved his worth
by showing large amounts of maturity, being aware of situations, and asking questions when he wasn't sure.
Roro also managed to get a very well deserved promotion due to his spectacular qualities
Thank you to all staff on the server, past, present, and future for ensuring MCNR is a fun environment for all and kept free of rulebreakers ruining the experience


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