Official > Announcements

Staff Member of the Month

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October 2021Joined Team: December 2020


MCNR Staff Member of the Month for October 2021 is  @ViperRadius
Has been a loyal, respectful, and hard-working member since he joined us as Tester
Always going beyond above in catching rule-breakers and helping players out

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and for making sure the server runs smoothly

November 2021Joined Team: July 2021


MCNR Staff Member of the Month for November 2021 is @Levii 
Active on all platforms and constantly checking reports to make sure they are handled
Quick to ban rule-breakers and always putting in hard work

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and for making sure the server runs smoothly

December 2021Joined Team: August 2021


MCNR Staff Member of the Month for December 2021 is @Zack   
Outstanding activity ingame and very responsive to complaints on forums
Professional, friendly, and helpful

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and for making sure the server runs smoothly

January 2022Joined Team: January 2022


MCNR Staff Member of the Month for January 2022 is @Kool
Outstanding work on Github and taking time to go into detail as to why something is and isn't working properly
Noticed by Mike himself as "perfection" when it comes to reporting issues.

I would also like to take a moment to say I am very proud of how the new Moderators have been performing. You all have been catching on quickly and doing an amazing job.
Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and for making sure the server runs smoothly

February 2022Joined Team: 2021-2022


@anty. @Astro @ChrisAg @Combean0007 @Freshmane @Jed @s1mple @saz @Stylebender

MCNR Staff Member of the Month for February 2022 goes to all the Moderators
This month's reward goes to all of our current Moderators because they truly deserve it
We have had some new members that have been hired/promoted that have been doing an amazing job
They have adjusted well and have learned very quickly, very impressive.
All with the help of the current staff by their side and assisting them, well done to you all.

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and for making sure the server runs smoothly


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