Official > Announcements

Staff Member of the Month

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April 2020
Joined team March 2020
Mazen has only been with us for a month, but in that time he's shown a lot of enthusiasm to help improve MCNR and keep it fun. Keep up the good work Mazen!
Notable mentions
@M3E6: M3E6 has only been in the development team for a couple of weeks, but has done a lot in that time and helped create the best update yet. Excited to see what's next Thank you!

June 2020
Joined team 22/04/2019

MCNR staff member of the month for June 2020 is @Megatron!
Megatron was the first community manager, and he has now stepped back in to cover for a month while we find a new CM. He's absolutely amazing and incredibly valuable to this community.

Thank you to everyone else for continued efforts to keep MCNR running smoothly and improving

Uncle Mega:
July 2020
Joined team 25/04/2020

MCNR staff member of the month for August 2020 is @RazaDaAli55 !
Raza is a very dedicated staff member,
Always helping players, answering reports in time, he's administrating more than playing and we thank you for that,
Congratulations Raza!

Thank you to everyone else for continued efforts to keep MCNR running smoothly and improving

October 2020Joined Team: 03 August 2020


MCNR Staff Member of the Month for October 2020 is @DabbingPitbull
          Always maintaining the Server and Assisting
Also very active and catching rule breakers!

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and making sure the server runs smoothly

November 2020
Joined Team: 07 February 2020

Joined Team: 05 May 2020

MCNR Staff Members of the Month for November 2020 are @Lancerb1 and @Flyburger
Both have been a tremendous help since they have been Managers

Major thanks to everyone for your continued efforts and making sure the server runs smoothly


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