Official > Archived announcements
Uncle Mega:
Goodbye MCNR!
Hello folks,
This is the time where I have to leave,
I was supposed to join the military in November but they had other plans,
So tomorrow I join the military and it's sad to leave everything behind...- family, friends, home and MCNR (the most awesome community I've ever been in)
I will have to serve for 2.5 years (I hope that MCNR will still exist) in a tank brigade in Israel (IDF - basically going to be a de_dust2 CT soldier).
As a teenager, I always wanted to be a soldier and protect my country in the best way I can think of, In Israel, all citizens *have* to join military since it's a small country and things are really hot around us.
Leading this community was the biggest gift this year, I've met wonderful friends, worked together with the staff team to ensure that every player will enjoy his stay in MCNR.
Being a community manager is a huge challenge,
From handling reports and appeals,
To answering loads of messages daily,
Monitoring and checking the server, discord and forums,
Help the staff members and supervise them,
Listen to opinions and change rules,
Now double everything, those things happen daily and it requires a huge responsibility, I hope the next CM will do a better job than me and give a huge motivation for everyone.
Thank you for everything,
I won't forget and regret what I've gone through this year in MCNR,
Love each one of you and sorry if I was ignoring or something, try wearing my shoes as a CM ;)
Uncle Mega.
Farewell, Lord Megatron.
It was great to have you as a cm❤️
i hope u back soon funny guy :( Bye bye pro
didn't get the chance to know you , but i know you did your job perfectly. farewell and hope we'll see you again .
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