Community > Crews

Long-term plans for crew system in-game

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Hello Mike this topic was still in in game ? I mean the features of Crew?

Crew cars only crew can drive it Like pursuit cars

Make turfs in populated areas will give more gang/clan members to conquor and establish.
For each city that is active at the time, the active Clan/gang members have to fight for a clan base, rather than just have 1 permanantly, since the cities change all the time.
Fighting for the best base for that city at the time, will give you guys a presence on the map, and show everyone you guys are the most dominate clan on the map, similar to a siege, or a raid, and only have 1 clan base for that city, Whoever is victorious earns 10-20 score with 10k cash for each clan member present, then make it that there is a 1hr cooldown before there is another siege on the base again. While it is being targeted on, clan members will have the ability to teleport and prepare for battle before the seidge happens.

Players will have the ability to store there money in the base along with weapons and other things you may consider valuable.
Players who are raiding the base, have the ability to rob the money and belongings of the occupied base, and have a chance to either take most of the money/belongings, or 60% of it, shared along equally amongst the members present, or have it the leader takes 70% and members get 20% of what is being robbed. Considering you earned the base and took what was theres, you should be able to take what was also stored in the base too.

When starting this war have it that there is a 1-2min preparation time so that everyone can get to there positions and work as a team and strategize.

If the clan/gang has managed to get all the turfs in a city, have it play there victory song (Clan leaders choice) for the whole server to listen, and making them the most nitorious clan/gang members online. Also giving them a Custom Color name temporary (for as long as they hold all the turfs in that city).

For the clan/gang that is taking a turf, make it that they don't have to be in 2 places at once trying to defend there turf.
If the Clan/gang is in a battle, have the turf that a other clan is trying to take wait, until there battle is over. (If this makes sense.)

Blehhhhhhhhhh i blabbed too much xD I know most of this stuff is gonna be hard to script but this my 2cents.


--- Quote from: Mike on July 23, 2019, 12:02:25 am ---I didn’t realise how popular the idea of a crew/gang system would be until recently. I am fully behind the idea and will do what I can to support it on the server. Here are my plans:

Create a crew with /crew. Give it a name, clan tag, motto, set membership type (open, closed, request, invite only), set joining requirements (score, cash, job, play time, skins  etc.), create roles for members and set their crew style including allowed skins, vehicles (and their colours)  and weapons.

Clan tags will be controlled by the server depending on which crew the player belongs to. Someone will not be able to join the server with your crew  tag if they are not in the crew.

- Crew will be able to chat to each other in a group chat.
- Members will be able to see their crew on the map from anywhere.
- Crew members will gain score for working together in jobs or in robberies.
- Crew that rob places together will take more money.
- Crew will unlock achievements together.
- Crew will be notified of events regarding other crew such as them joining or being arrested.
- Crew will be able to buy and run businesses together (businesses are a long way off).
- Crew members have a custom server join/leave message with the crew motto.

Gang territories are another option to look at. And gang hideouts/clubs etc.

If anyone has any suggestions for features of this system please let me know.

--- End quote ---
i cant wait for this hehehe its too good to be true.

I suggest to make that the crew tag (AC, ME, KoS, etc..) can be set and changed by the managers of the crew, and that the members of the crew don't have to join the server using the tag: the server will automatically add the tag before the nickname upon login. At the same time, the server should refuse any nickname starting with any tag [...] that is already assigned to a certain crew, so that only crew members can use tags.


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