Official > Archived announcements

Next update: Soon

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--- Quote from: [P]atchyDaBUSTA on July 09, 2020, 04:31:06 am ---What are the new things will be implemented in next update?

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There will be a patch note coming out as soon as the updated is implemented into server.


--- Quote from: Flyburger on July 09, 2020, 04:35:17 am --- There will be a patch note coming out as soon as the updated is implemented into server.

--- End quote ---


Will be waiting then thanks :)


--- Quote from: Mike on July 08, 2020, 10:15:20 pm ---MCNR is like a second job I don't get paid for.

--- End quote ---

Dude, you should really consider monetizing your server in a proper way, i.e. not donations, but monthly premium subscriptions and/or Coins system.
Many SA-MP Servers do it, including a notorious Freeroam server from the Czech republic, and they were never sued by Rockstar or SA-MP.

Keep up the good work, Mike. Take the time you need I know running a server can be exhausting. Cheers.


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