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Player top tens

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MCNR has now been online for almost 3 months, and in that time there have been many active players working hard to get cash and score, levelling up to unlock vehicles and purchase properties, and arresting criminals to keep the city safe.

There are now over 9000 player accounts created and 2000 of them registered. We also just hit 100 forum members. Also we hit peak players a couple of days ago with the server full at the capacity of 32 players! Slots will be increasing in the next update.

In total, players have put in 11,354 hours of time on the server!

I thought it would be nice to see some top tens for cash, score, arrests and so on. I will eventually make this an always-accessible thing in-game, but for now it's here.

RankPlayerCash ($ millions)1Kiiruuu4.42Xx_Clara_Kitty_xX3.73MLGXD23.54Peca2.55the_first_avenger2.46RoboKill2.47Timez2.48Funtastic_Power2.39Retr0Hatz1.810Lenoserop1.7
Time played
RankPlayerTime played (hours)1Xx_Clara_Kitty_xX3892Funtastic_Power3133RoboKill2904Devon0072045MLGXD21896Kiiruuu1447Vectorman1308George1289Lenoserop11710the_first_avenger111
Cop XP
RankPlayerCop XP1Xx_Clara_Kitty_xX154332MrAz1848574783kinghesi69534George68925MLGXD262826Devon00758177X_SuPeR_X56318RoboKill56219Niles_Percival506510frilejon5049
Arrests (cop)
Keep up the good work everyone. New content will be coming soon for all to enjoy.

i have 300k money :d


--- Quote from: RockStarboi on July 12, 2019, 11:35:05 pm ---i have 300k money :d

--- End quote ---
I forgot to include bank balance into the cash top ten ???? I’ll update it later.

Funtastic Power:
Whaa- I thought I'm at #20 or something in money. Also I ain't much a cop though, I prefer the crimes :D

whaaaat :V ?
clara is top in arrests (cop)  ::)


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