Official > Guides

Train Stations and Airports


Train Stations and Airports
San Andreas is a big place, and getting around it can be tedious or fun, depending on how you go about it. City offers you a way of public transport by using trains or airplanes, to travel faster around the cities.

PS: Travelling by airport is currently not yet implemented on server.

Train Tickets
To be able to travel with a train, you will need to buy yourself train ticket. Train tickets are available to buy from ticket machine that are located at every train station. To buy one, you will simply walk to ticket machine Press Y and select where you want to travel. After that it will instruct you to wait for a train to come and it will automatically place you in one when it arrives. Once inside, you will have ability to skip whole train ride for certain amount of money (Press SPACE/Sprint)

Click for prices:
(click to show/hide)Unity Station (LS) -> Market Station (LS) - $11
Unity Station (LS) -> Cranberry Station (SF) - $42
Unity Station (LS) -> Yellow Bell Station (LV) - $46
Unity Station (LS) -> Linden Station (LV) - $34

Market Station (LS) -> Unity Station (LS) - $11
Market Station (LS) -> Cranberry Station (SF) - $31
Market Station (LS) -> Yellow Bell Station (LV) - $40
Market Station (LS) -> Linden Station (LV) - $33

Linden Station (LV) -> Unity Station (LS) - $34
Linden Station (LV) -> Market Station (LS) - $34
Linden Station (LV) -> Cranberry Station (SF) - $49
Linden Station (LV) -> Yellow Bell Station (LV) - $19

Yellow Bell Station (LV) -> Unity Station (LS) - $46
Yellow Bell Station (LV) -> Market Station (LS) - $40
Yellow Bell Station (LV) -> Cranberry Station (SF) - $42
Yellow Bell Station (LV) -> Linden Station (LV) - $20

Cranberry Station (SF) -> Unity Station (LS) - $42
Cranberry Station (SF) -> Market Station (LS) - $32
Cranberry Station (SF) -> Yellow Bell Station (LV) - $42
Cranberry Station (SF) -> Linden Station (LV) - $50
Train Station locations

Unity Station, Los Santos

Market Station, Los Santos

Linden Station, Las Venturas

Yellow Bell Station, Las Venturas

Cranberry Station, San Fierro

Airport locations

All locations
(click to show/hide)
Single locations
Los Santos International Airport

Easter Bay Airport, San Fierro

Las Venturas Airport

Verdant Meadows Airfield, Bone Country


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