Official > Guides

Prostitutes and Sex Shops


Prostitutes and Sex Shops
Sometimes, we all need a bit of something to take our mind off things.

Job Base
All sex shops in San Andreas serve as a job base at which you can become a prostitute.

Name / Blip Color
Prostitutes can be identified by their Pink name and blip color.

There are several ways in which you can give interested clients a good time, and earn cash in the process, like:

* Giving on-foot clients a blowjob
* Having sex with clients in a carJob events
They can also respond to the daily job events which reward them with money and points.

In the process, you will constantly be at risk of either catching or giving someone an STD. It is up to you to determine if the risk is worth the reward.

Sex Shop locations
There are 9 hospitals spread around San Andreas.
They are represented on the radar and map by this icon:

You can navigate to closest one by using command /gps sex shop.

All locations
(click to show/hide)
Single location
(click to show/hide)Sodom Sex Shop, Market (Los Santos)

Sex Shop, Market (Los Santos)

Sex Shop, El Corona (Los Santos)

Sex Shop, Temple (Los Santos)

Sex Shop, Royal Casino (Las Venturas)

Sex Shop, Emerald Isle (Las Venturas)

Sex Club, Old Venturas Strip (Las Venturas)

Sex Shop, Roca Escalante (Las Venturas)

Sex Shop, Garcia (San Fierro)

Job events

Busy night: Sleep with 10 customers in a single night

Sex Shop items

ItemPrice ($)Condoms x 5$225Lube x 5$125Dildo$95Vibrator$125Flowers$20[/list]


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