Community > Gallery




Gallery posting guide

Rules and guidelines
- Please ensure you are following the forum rules at all times.
- Please ensure you are not breaking any server rules in your screenshots or videos. These will be used in evidence in these cases. This includes evidence of using disallowed game modifictions.
- Please keep screenshots to a reasonable size. Try to post thumbnails as links to larger images. Alternatively post an album on an image hosting website such as Imgur and link to it with a couple of thumbnails.
- Try to use reputable and reliable hosts such as the aforementioned Imgur. We don't want to have to remove topics because links have died.
- Only screenshots and videos from Mike's Cops and Robbers. No other servers, no general SA-MP content, no other games. Please see the Gaming forum board for the latter.

Embed images into a forum post with the img BBCode:

--- Code: ---[img][/img]

--- End code ---

Embed videos into posts by simply pasting a YouTube video link into your post. The embedding is automatic.


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