Official > Archived Events

Daily Lottery #1

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Hello everyone, as the title says, there will be a daily lottery hosted here, on forum.

How this works?
Well, there will be a number of 30 participants. In order to participate you must reply here and you will receive a number for yourself. During 7 days I will post here a random number picked by random org.

What do you win?
There will be a price of 40k for each winner for the first 6 days. Winner from 7th day will receive a donator status. I will donate for the winner and he will receive benefits (hope is possible)

Also, if someone would like to donate to increase the win it would be awesome.

It will start as soon as we have 30 participants.

List of participants:
1] ShockWave
2] Parzival.
3] MD045
4] Mazen
5] nxy
6] Flyburger
7] artf28
8] puurokissa69
9] M3E6
10] ClaudX
11] Xomox
12] UnforgiVen
13] Sousage
14] Saz
15] Eldy.
16] Walter
17] HunK
18] Achilles_
19] Astronaut
20] [WT]Raza.Ali
21] Naranja
22] dudesdog
23] Jack_Sapphire
24] brownyn
25] Stalenin
26] Kshitij_Sharma
27] Devon007
28] Cloudspies
29] Theepikpotato
30] [WT]Den1m

Seems cool, m in.

Count me in xd


--- Quote from: Parzival. on April 22, 2020, 09:19:56 am ---Count me in xd

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Parzival. on April 22, 2020, 09:19:56 am ---Count me in xd

--- End quote ---


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