Official > Updates and Changelogs
- Added ability to rappel from helicopters as a passenger. Simply press H, or use /rappel.
- Added a message bar at the bottom of the screen regarding forums and Discord.
- You can now view another player's stats. Simply type /playerstats [name/id] (/pstats alias command).
- The 'You are banned' dialog now displays the forum URL to appeal at.
- Fixed bank robbery mission panel not being destroyed in certain failure conditions.
- Fixed issue with NPCs not reconnecting to the server if they left for some reason.
- The intro tutorial will now play even with missing NPCs. As it was, the intro would not play at all and the player would spawn with the CJ skin.
- Fixed /changename stating 'You cannot change name again so soon' even if you cancelled the change.
- Fixed a server crash caused by starting a trucking mission then exiting the truck and towing the truck and its trailer with a tow truck.
- Fixed some issues with textdraw ID management which should prevent issues with textdraws being stuck on screen for players (specifically black box stuck on-screen).
- Added a rule regarding use of multiple accounts.
- Added some more offensive words to player name validation relating to recent incidents.
- Management can now view any player's monthly activity on the server with /activity.
- Removed some unneeded information from the /bans list so it's not as wide.
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