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M3E6's corruption part of the reason why my role was revoked. - I resign
Contents edited by Mike
I have removed some of the content from this post as it included private conversations (including staff-only chat channels) and future server features which are not to be made public at this time. No text from codeshadow himself has been removed only images and log extracts.
See topic:,2314.msg8993.html#msg8993
As some of you know recently my role was revoked overnight without telling me anything. Here is how it all started. So recently three players got promoted to moderator team. I did not like how fast players was getting promoted when one of them was known as toxic and being a rule breaker. Another one had only 4k scores. Player with such low scores would not know all the in-game features or all the in-game rules. I spoke up about this on the discord with other staff members. Don't get me wrong that does not mean they should never be able to become a staff member. But they were not ready to become one at that moment. Then M3E6 was tagging me on the discord regarding a unban appeal and posted a useless replay saying "Appeal in progress. Awaiting responsible staff member to reply..." So, I told M3E6 that I am already aware of this do not post useless reply for your post count. Later Mike gave me an attitude for it. I said nothing bad when I said don't post useless reply to increase your post count. The unban appeal wasn't even posted for 2 hours. There is no need for such useless reply in short period of time and I was already going to reply to it. Whatever I said it was in #admins channel, but it is ok for him to unwelcome players in #general channel by accusing them for being fanboy for another server when that person had nothing to do with other server or their discord channel?
Anyway, within a next day or two I was demoted over night without no one telling me anything. When I woke up in the afternoon this is the message I received from Mike:
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Apparently, I was demoted for not promoting enough players when server was having 60 players online and other excuses. So, I was demoted by not promoting rule breakers and new players who would wrongfully issue infraction to players and cause chaos? Most of the admin applications was filled with inactive, immature or new players. ME36 was no one to get into management in the first place. Then I get replaced by him? I have done more for this community than M3E6. I have been playing here since close beta. The server was not even using text "cops and robbers" for the gamemode's name. I am the one suggested to add that text so players can find this server when they search for cops and robbers on the sa-mp client. I made multiple videos on my YouTube channel, I streamed on twitch and mixxer few times. One player decided to install sa-mp from my twitch stream and decided to play with me on this server. One regular player still plays here after watching my video "how to install sa-mp on mac." Some of the pictures on this website was edited by me. I customized a forum theme just for the last year's Halloween. I created the banner for screenshot challenge. I gave many ideas about what features to add and what to improve to attract more players. I was playing on both my main account and undercover account to catch dmers, cheaters and kept eyes on staff members. I even reported bugs on github when we have beta testers. I made the animated discord server icon and custom discord invite background. Recently I was mapping a fire station for this server and streamed it on twitch.
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Robokill and Funta has been with us longer and they have done more than M3E6. They should have been manager before M3E6. If I did something wrong Robokill or Funta should have became community manager not M3E6. I am the one who promoted M3E6 to beta tester instead of thanking me he teamed up with a corrupt player to put together lies and made a false complaint about me with no valid evidence. M3E6 supported samone_dastroxd for moderator who had multiple infraction points by multiple staff members and still lying about every single infraction being falsely issued when I have evidence for it. Dastroxd also said multiple times in the community that he lives in New York, he works for New York city police department and on his staff application he mentioned that his time zone is NYC GMT when his ip has been from Egypt the whole time. Now imagine what he would be capable of doing with the moderator power. Right before my role was revoked, he made false complaint against me without any evidence. Why did he report me now after all those days later? How did a beta tester know what's going on when other staff member including me had no idea that my rank was going to get revoked? M3E6 leaked the information to him and told him to make the false complaints about me so that M3E6 can take over my place. Both put together lies in sameone_drastroxd's complaint.
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If I was an admin on the other server then why my name is not green on their forum? Why my name is not listed on their website? Both of you are terrible liars.
Here is my response to his complaint above
1. not true at all many staff team stood up for me when my power was removed.
2. I don't hire and fire staff members according to my love or hate. I always hire the best possible candidates out there. I blocked you for keep lying about almost anything and everything which I already explained above. Som125 was dvkph. He said he would create a ucp for Mikes cnr then ran away. He requested me and Mike to delete his account so we cannot track who he was. Both som125 and dvkph accounts was blocked for multi accounting, insulting a staff member for no valid reason using two different discord accounts, threatened a staff member and his own multi account that they will get demoted by Mike. He even reported his other account to me, so that I do not realize who he was.
M3E6 is not better manager at all when he supports player like you to be a moderator to ruin the server. He is too corrupt to be a manager. He shouldn't be even a moderator.
3. I have connection with multiple staff members. Another lies nothing new from you.
4. I'm not an admin on the other server.
5. I have nothing to do with Westomin aka som125 aka dvkph's leaving. Apparently he is still here.
Samone_Dastroxd this video is for you -
Since when cops can attack other law enforcement agents, white innocent players, yellow tricketable players and snipping nonthreat wanted suspect on sight? The guy became yellow ticketable player at 0.39 for mistakenly shooting forward. He did not even shoot at you. You guys was behind him. The guy became wanted suspect after "failed to stop in LS International." He did not put your life at risk.
So, Mike was quick to jump at demoting me. Apparently Sadly I didn't follow his expectations and by not hiring rule breakers or new players who would have cause more problem. If a manager hired those kinds of players in most communities then they would have got into trouble. It works other way around here. But after exposing M3E6's corruption all he had to say was "ok" and "yeah I hear you." How I was demoted overnight when I have done nothing wrong, but this corrupted guy M3E6 get to keep his level? After I have tried to discuss this with Mike, he ignored my messages on this topic. Then I took this to #management channel and they denied M3E6's being corrupted when I gave them all the evidence.
Mike you just proved that you are backing him up even after all those corruptions when you demoted me over pretty much nothing. If you were a fair person then you would have demoted him immediately. He is no one to be part of a management team in the first place. Robo and Funta has been with us longer than him and have done more than him yet M3E6 was promoted to manager before them. Funta and Robokill were promoted after my incident just to calm things down and after my suggestion for their promotion. Even if I have done anything wrong, he is no one to take my position. Robokill or Funta was supposed to get my position. Some people are calling you sellout it's hard to believe it because you used to be different and this community used to be transparent but not anymore.
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M3E6 the only person Mike must worry about is you. I was never a power-hungry kid and never will be. M3E6 need the community manager rank more than me. I never liked corruption and I will never work under corruption. My heart was broken before I'm sure I can get over this. My level can be removed I resign.
idk about m3e6.. but i'ave know from start when i met samone dastroxd ...He is a liar. and i heard rumors about sameonedastroxd getting accept as admin . :V rulebreakers and liars going to serve mikecnr ...i wonder how the players going to be in the server if moderators are liars . :o
I agree with codeshadow.Just because this server doesn't have a lot of admins,it doesn't mean that they should hire people without acknowledge of being a staff member.I've been watching this for 6 months,and the server started to be crowded with a lot of staff members who doesn't know anything about the importance of being a staff.New people join to beta tester team with their awful grammar,and then they start rising while the deserved staff members who have served for this community since it got established doesn't get anything,which is quite sad.
Uncle Mega:
The current state of the community is wonderful, the playerbase is stable and of course, the server is updated weekly or even daily.
We give chance to others who deserve it, even if they don't come with previous knowledge, everyone deserves to have a chance right?
Else.. - how did we learn to moderate/administrate?
Players who show activity, who care and are helpful, get a great chance to join the staff team OR the beta team!
Code, your role was revoked and then given back after some time thinking, I believe you decided to leave on your own but we did give you your role back if you haven't seen it.
We did what we thought was the right action to do, for the community's sake and for the players,
I do understand that what happened is frustrating and is including Drama in it,
The best option now is to continue and understand,
I wish you the best of luck Code and thank you for everything.
Well, I don't know about this but I'm getting curios and both have point.
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