Official > Archived Events

Duel Tournament.

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--- Quote from: Six.Stars on June 08, 2024, 01:48:49 pm ---STARS Tournament.

How to join:Reply here with full in-game name and not change it until Tournament ends.
If we get more than 8 partecipants, the partecipants will be choosed random.


Do not use any aim cheat of course.
8 max number of partecipants.
The players have to be online at time of Event.
The weapons will be randomly selected for each Duel (sawn/uzi may be not your way to win)
Duels will work like this: 3 duels for each Couple, who wins most rounds will proceed.
At time of Duel using weapons different from the Selected one, will result in a Auto-Lose.
Tournament may dure more days for let all partecipants able to play their Rounds.
The couples will be choosed randomly by using some Randomizer tool.
Prize will be given, by using IN-Game property scripts.
Duels will be done using the /duel command.


500.000$ First
200.000$ Second
100.000$ Third
10.000$ For other partecipants.

--- End quote ---
ingame money or irl money??>


--- Quote from: [RsA]WorkRate on June 08, 2024, 04:06:30 pm ---ingame money or irl money??>

--- End quote ---
Ig money not irl, He'd said above


--- Quote from: [RsA]WorkRate on June 08, 2024, 04:06:30 pm ---ingame money or irl money??>

--- End quote ---
Do you think that if i had 500k Money, i was here playing Samp?


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