Community > Confirmed Bugs



 What was the script version?
-in-game name [TB]ZaToxa_ToasT
- What happened? I was doing job of /export. At first at san fierro where we need to go for exporting car at that place i was exporting for a long time like maybe for 2 hours. so basically i always call my personal vehicle  my typing /pv b (as my personal shortcode) before entering in the red red mark of the car exporting spot.. suddenly i saw there a text came that u dont have any vehicle shortcode named 'b' . then when i checked my inventory i saw my personal vehicle nrg is no more ...
the second day again i was exporting car .. and as same as yesterday today i lost my another personal vehicle which is bullet . And obviously im not doing any scam type of thing .. because bullet and nrg cant be export in game .. only the list provided my the server cars can be export in the game.  SO Please help me for buy this 2 vehicle i need to earn alot of cash again pls  so im waiting for ur and so that i dont need to buy new vehicles.
- Where were you? i was both times at the exporting zones .. first time at SF and the second time was in LV
    - What were you doing? I was just exporting cars for earning money
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time- NO
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before? I DONT KNOW
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible. i dont have any idea
- Date and time of incident if known-  For bullet the time was 12:22:21
                                                       for NRG i dont remember

Hi @ZaToxa . Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We are already aware of this issue and will inform you of an update when it's available. You can find the information relating to the logged issue below. I may also need more information from you so please keep checking this topic (click NOTIFY ME to be notifed of replies).

Alright bro.. but will i buy again nrg and bullet? .. if u guys return my previous vehicle prices then i'm gonna buy new for now

Just reframe from maybe doing exports in that area for the time being. For refunds, speak with a Admin or preferably, a Manager to maybe work something out at the moment.


--- Quote from: ShadowWalker on May 24, 2024, 03:21:44 pm ---Just reframe from maybe doing exports in that area for the time being. For refunds, speak with a Admin or preferably, a Manager to maybe work something out at the moment.

--- End quote ---

seems all players are loosing their vehicles only at SF Export site. I lost a NRG and a Bullet there as well. so FIX SF EXPORT SITE


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