Community > Under Consideration

Huge nerf to driveby (idea's could be given)

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Instead of being able to use the AK/M4/Deagle/Sawn off on driveby, we could make it so you can only use the Uzi or Tec9 on driveby, this way it would somewhat nerf car fighting and people would be willing to go more onfoot.

Ofcourse, you can add some idea's to it like maybe less damage, but i think only being able to use the Uzi would be a little better and maybe increase the damage the Uzi and Tec9 do to the car so the car can get destroyed faster and onfoot would be more suggested.

Just a random idea, share your thoughts.

db got nerfed with the -500 car hp nerf alot. Now almost in every db fight both cars get distroyed if they are moving much. also a bullet sweet spot was added which imo is too easy to hit and people hit it randomly without even wanting to hit it.

Just nerf the long distance dmg for both ak and m4.

amen +1

its about time the shitty driveby meta was abolished

I prefer using uzi and tec 9 only in db rather than m4 and ak.


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