Community > Denied Complaints

Admin refused to infract player that broke the rules


A player known as w2pac in-game continuously ran me over with his car when both of us were cops in the middle of a chase. Upon reporting him and having an admin contact me, I let them know to look at /actions to see proof of how he ran me over 4 or 5 times. They then proceeded to say "They can do this" and then said the report was invalid. Upon clarifying the fact that we were BOTH cops and neither of us was a criminal, the admin I was speaking to (known as suixide in-game) just ignored me. Could I please request that the player gets infracted for breaking the rules as they were supposed to initially? Thanks y'all.

If you wish to report me, please read this:,1188.msg4387.html#msg4387

As for the report, you were most wanted criminal and [wT]2pac1zac. was a cop. He rammed you until he killed you. If he car-parked you please report him on forums with video evidence and I will deal with it. Otherwise your in-game report is still invalid.



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