Community > Pending Implementation

Make every threat crime give the most wanted status

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If a player commits a threat crime, you can shoot him as a cop. So, make every threat crime give you a "most wanted" status to make it easy for new players to understand (and less annoying for cops too because sometimes you need to read the crimes of a player one by one, and that sucks)

It would be cool if you're non threat you're Orange and if you're threat you're red. Takes too much time do to /crimes and you might lose your suspect for it. Btw I also suggested this some months ago but i dont remember the outcome.


--- Quote from: Ardealul on May 15, 2024, 09:30:30 am ---It would be cool if you're non threat you're Orange and if you're threat you're red. Takes too much time do to /crimes and you might lose your suspect for it. Btw I also suggested this some months ago but i dont remember the outcome.

--- End quote ---
yes, i remember it too but is allways good to bring some previous ideas to the table again


All threat crimes should lead to a 6-star wanted level, yes. If this is not working as intended, it is a bug/oversight.

Looking at the code, for each crime I seem to have defined two attributes:
- Can this crime take the player to a 6-star wanted level
- Is this crime a 'threat' crime

I don't really know why I've defined these separately (where one can be true and one can be false) because surely they're synonymous. I'll look into this.

I'll also look into the wanted levels given, as they should all be 35 'points' which leads to a 6-star wanted level.


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