Community > Approved Suggestions

Add Medic FBI Rancher


Add a Medic FBI rancher

1. It looks great, especially in comparison to the Medic (Police) Rancher

2. Could be either 1500 or 1800 armour

3. Rank reward, allow spawning in /jv

No one plays Medic class and it has already enough vehicles.


I play a lot on the medic class and i typically use my personal car. Im 50/50 on this. Maybe add in a little sports car or something for new comers.


--- Quote from: ShadowWalker on May 10, 2024, 09:48:05 pm ---Maybe add in a little sports car or something for new comers.

--- End quote ---
Why would a medic be driving a sports car?

I see no reason to not add this, and might actually replace the police ranger with this, as it always bugged me that it said 'POLICE' all over it. I never thought of this!
I will also look at putting some 'MEDIC' text on the side perhaps.


--- Quote from: Mike on May 26, 2024, 11:13:50 am ---Why would a medic be driving a sports car?

--- End quote ---
dr.strange drives a lambo


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