Community > Approved Appeals

My ban appeal


Ban ID (if applicable)Dont RememberYour in-game nameTryHardyyBan or infraction appeal?Ban AppealDate and time of ban/infraction including timezoneDont rememberBan/infraction reason and detailsBan Evasion Macrogamer , JastakWhy was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Not wrong but i am not jastak or macrogamer and i wasnt playing at that timeWhat was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?Its been over 5 months i guess so its been a long time a i want another chance... Ive learned my lesson For sharing account and i dont think it needs a permanent ban, and i couldnt play after reset . I think other players are already got a lot of stuff and i missed a lot of events so i apologies for my mistake and kindly ask for an unban...Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Macrogamer, KandelAny more information to provide?Nope

@[HC]TryHardyy message me on discord, dani_421


ive sent a friend req

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