Community > Approved Appeals

I can't belive I need to make this appeal part 2


Ban ID (if applicable)InfractionsYour in-game name[TB]ArdealulBan or infraction appeal?InfractionDate and time of ban/infraction including timezonelike 3 days ago, i am traveling, i can't login into gameBan/infraction reason and detailscophuntWhy was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?i was fighting another cop, my driver left because he almost died. I saw another cop chasing us, waiting like 3 seconds to see what he does, he kept coming for us so i started shooting. As far as i know, complaints against cophunt got denied for people foghting cops at ammo and a cop arrived there and they also shoot him. Since when a cop coming for you(driving simultanisly to you) is not a valid reason to attack him? Also, what cophunt? We didnt hunted him, we didnt even killed him, we went in a different direction.What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?don said he had gps'd another player, so he wasnt coming for me. How can i see his gps? And also, a cop chasing you (that's what it was looking on my screen, gives me a valid reason to kill him.


Just people explaining the rules
@s1mple @MrEris @ShadowWalker981 @mafiahunter are the people.

I would also like to add that don accepted the complaint without ever providing a 30mins clip and as far as i know that's a requirement for cophunt/rdm reports. He stated that something I said is enough for him to punish me, which is a rule bender. I just explained the dude that chasing me gives me suficient reason to kill him, never said that that's the whole reason I killed him. I also told him there is a need for a 30m video since that's how cophunt reports work. Don didnt mind it and accepted the complaint eitherway. I had 0 infractions before, I play by the rules, in all the my time of mcnr I only got 1 time punished. If the punishment is fair, then explain in the rules that a cop driving near you(chasing) and coming for you is not a valid reason to kill him as a mw.

After reviewing and discussing your appeal with the management and operations team,we decided to revoke your infraction.

From the video,we see killmonger coming near/towards you although he did not have the intention to chase you.
We understand that you were unaware of killmonger's intention at that time and you have also stopped attacking killmonger after he went in another direction.

It is important to understand that not every situation is a cophunt.That's why video evidence is very important.


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