Community > Denied Appeals

Mystic/benz1ne quit to avoider, plus report baiter

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Ban ID (if applicable)$Your in-game namevuitton$Ban or infraction appeal?infraction appealDate and time of ban/infraction including timezoneas of right nowBan/infraction reason and detailsthis guy benz1ne is sadly a report baiter as i said in the server this guy quit as soon as i was in route to get rev on him, twice not once. I know for a fact that once i was otw to him he would quit Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?this guy quit like 2 minutes after i was otw to him the first time, 2nd time he quit in less than 1 minuteWhat was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?biasAny witnesses that can vouch for you?anyone w 2 eyesAny more information to provide?check the logs

This is the reason of this guy not posting 30 minutes of footage on this post -,20765.0.html

As u guys know, its required to post 30 minutes of footage to report for dm nowadays

Ps. If i would’ve known its mystic i wouldve record my whole game bc i know mystic is a forum warrior, he only resorts to attack unprepared players and then report them if they attempt to kill him.

You want me to post 30min of doing home activities? LMAOOO ur retarded asf

I just joined and u killed me twice in under 5 mins how can you even appeal this shit LMAOO

I never dm nobody and i started dmin u bc u just joined? Lmfao make it make sense. U know damn well u robbed me and killed me from behind, and as soon as i called my team to join u went to hide and quit. all in less than 5 minutes. Then u join like nothin happened? Lmfao na broski


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