Community > Approved Appeals



Ban ID (if applicable)Not ApplicableYour in-game namexXxZIDANExXxBan or infraction appeal?InfractionDate and time of ban/infraction including timezone11/04/2024Ban/infraction reason and detailsHarassing SilenthunterWhy was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Because I didn't harass him in anyway lately.What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?I don't know, I just logged in today and saw those infraction points. I just did duels yesterday and left. Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Moody, he uplifted my ban that day but the infractions stayed.Any more information to provide?I was already given 2 infraction points that day but it's unfair getting the punishment for same thing. Screenshots:

ill remove the current inf


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