Community > Fixed Bugs

Destroyed vehicle recovery bug


- What was the script version?

- Your in-game name (we may credit bug reporters with in-game cash if it's a major or exploitable issue)

- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue.
    - Where were you?
    - What were you doing?
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?

If your vehicle is destroyed but you happen to "recover" it from the garage where it's stored in, the recovery fee will be like 40k~. But if you recover it via /v, then the price is the default one.

Example, my Turismo got destroyed, and via /v the price is the following:

However, see how much it costs to recover it from the garage:

See how much I paid to recover my Infernus from the garage, when it's like 9k~ from /v:

- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before?

- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible.
> destroy your vehicle and check how much you need to recover it via /v then check how much it is from the garage

- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.
Already posted pictures above.

- Date and time of incident if known

Thanks for the report, i will take a look at this today.

Hi @x4x  Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. I have logged the issue and will inform you of an update when it's available. You can find the information relating to the logged issue below.

Bug report by x4x (forum topic #20325)
Issue #3744Issue5X difference in recovering destroyed PVDescriptionpaying 5x more to recover the vehicle using a garage.Script areavehiclesPriorityMediumLogged byJay_DeeAssigned toMikeStatusNewComments.

Fixed Pending Release


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