Community > Invalid Bugs

Wrong money being received when trucking

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- What was the script version?

- Your in-game name (we may credit bug reporters with in-game cash if it's a major or exploitable issue)

- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue.
    - Where were you?
    - What were you doing?
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?

I had some trucking missions, the cargos were paying well but when I successfully delivered those, I received way too less money than I've been promised.

I also have the feeling the special cargo worth might still be bugged, I might test it out.

- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before?
2 times.

- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible.
>go trucking with good paying cargos and check how much you are getting from the cargo after delivering it

- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.
$31,804 cargo but I received $1,785

$27,658 cargo but I received $382

- Date and time of incident if known
Yesterday and today

I will look into this. There's been a few similar issues.


--- Quote from: Mike on February 12, 2024, 01:48:55 pm ---I will look into this. There's been a few similar issues.

--- End quote ---

While you are there, It'd be great if you could also look in the following matter:

--- Quote from: Niovie on February 12, 2024, 11:10:05 am ---I also have the feeling the special cargo worth might still be bugged, I might test it out.

--- End quote ---

The special cargo seems to be capped at 45k, you get also some money from the cargo sure and some distance bonus but still, this looks wrong as well in any way you calculate it.


--- Quote from: Niovie on February 12, 2024, 10:01:29 pm ---While you are there, It'd be great if you could also look in the following matter:

The special cargo seems to be capped at 45k, you get also some money from the cargo sure and some distance bonus but still, this looks wrong as well in any way you calculate it.

--- End quote ---
Wait I just noticed it is not capped it gave you exactly the amount shown in this picture

Look at this

There were 2 money given with the name "cargo"

The sum of these two
$43,689 + $45,000 = $88,689
which was shown at the beginning of the cargo advertise

The rest are just bonuses


--- Quote from: Andualem on February 13, 2024, 02:25:45 am ---Wait I just noticed it is not capped it gave you exactly the amount shown in this picture

Look at this

There were 2 money given with the name "cargo"

The sum of these two
$43,689 + $45,000 = $88,689
which was shown at the beginning of the cargo advertise

The rest are just bonuses

--- End quote ---
This. The 45k is the bonus for it being special cargo, and in that example the cargo was worth £43,689. That's the minimum you'll get, hence why it is shown in the message.


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