Community > Suggestions and Ideas

Boost hideout safes such as Four Dragons & Palomino bank

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Safes found in Four Dragons Casino, Caligula's, and the Palomino Creek bank were changed from a normal safe robbery (instant payout), to a "hideout" type robbery, but only give a small amount of cash around 8-10k. The Betting Shop provides a higher payout than this, and does not require taking to a hideout. It's not worth the effort in comparison to other stores.

I think this needs a buff, maybe similar to the payout at the (normal, non Palomino) bank (around 30k~) as it requires taking to a hideout.

Balancing concerns:
The amount of time it takes to go to the HO means you're missing out on robbing other stores, so it would still be 'balanced'. Additionally, a 'normal' bank robbery gives multiple bags, whereas this type of robbery only gives one.

boost blueberry liquor store if you rob it as catalina



+1 good suggestion


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