Official > Archived announcements

The Great Reset

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Think about the clothes part,they cannot be sold and seasonal’s one are like once a year to be found,don’t reset those or at least the seasonal ones.

Time to leave mcnr WTF
@Mike don't reset money and vehicles plz
Consider this plz or you might lose max player base.
Not acceptable in any way full reset man.
Reset everything except cash veh. Rest everything is OK

😕😕😕😕Don't reset or u will lose a huge amount of player 😟😟😟😟
Some players grind too hard and if they got reset they will stop playing only kids will play who join new you will lose a huge amount of fanbase 😔😔😔

Even though I just recently gotten 10k :'( lol..  for score I think this would be a great thing to avoid boredom and most of all remember how its like to earn good achievements for each of us! I think it also shows that nothing is always guaranteed as well but to enjoy things while its still here.   

@Mike imagine selling donator for real cash and getting all that money taken from you. This great reset is fucking bullshit, you will distroy the server. At start people will play a little more because they want to grind and after 2-3 days they will totally quit. Remove this or post-pone it. Also there is a player who spend like 100$ to buy ingame cash and you gonna reset his money now lol. Don't reset money. Also, "double the price for houses, veh price increase" how is this balancing the economy? This is the biggest bullshit you've done. Also, if you reset my cash, I want to get refunded for all the donators I sold to other people since I wont get to enjoy the cash for it even tho I paid real cash.


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