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Server Rule Change -

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--- Quote from: M.8.N_ on November 10, 2023, 07:24:55 pm ---Nice gg i love mcnr yay grats u just destroyed mcnr again first u started with that rule which made us unable to kill mws and now u did this, now watch how players will leave again. At least ask us first man

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LMFAOO yeah the fact that they didn't ask us for feedback regarding this is just insane.


--- Quote from: Dimitar on November 10, 2023, 06:08:29 pm ---No sense of crews and groupmembers here.
As a crew member I should watch and laugh at my teammate how he gets killed by 3 full of sultan cops (because you know that pussies right now won't leave cop duty cuz of teaming).
It just sounds so stupid making this rule.
I like how you trying to make the deathmatch less, but still we can kill a cop for asking us to pull over/freeze or declines our bribe haha  ;D
It is just another nerf and a reason to play as cop, instead of buffing them (how it should be).

Cheers  :)

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kekw this lasted long


--- Quote from: Karbz on November 10, 2023, 01:40:45 am ---**Rule Change** - *Criminals are no longer allowed to randomly kill police to assist other criminals*

Effective immediately we are implementing a new change that will prohibit (stop) criminals from assisting other criminals who are being attacked or otherwise apprehended by law enforcement.  This will only be a minor adjustment to the rules, and there is good reasoning behind this adjustment.

**What does this change mean?**

*This change will mean that when you're roaming the server / cities as a criminal, if you see another criminal being apprehended or attacked by the police you will no longer allowed to help that particular criminal*

**What reasons do I need to attack a police officer?**

*You can attack any law enforcement agent, pending that you have some sort of valid revenge against them*

**Valid revenge reasons to kill a law enforcement, who is attempting to arrest another suspect**

- Claiming revenge (e.g. - you already have pre-existing revenge against the cop).
- The cop has attacked you, or attempting to attack you.
- The cop is attempting to arrest you.
- The cop has issued you with a ticket.
- The cop has asked you to pull over / freeze.
- The cop denies your bribe (you cannot kill a cop if they refuse to bribe you).

**Why do we need this change?**

*This change has been implemented to stop criminals randomly running around killing cops, to who they've no interaction for for the entire gameplay.*

If you are confused about this change, or have any questions please feel free to reach out to anyone within the management team. If there are any changes regarding this rule (e.g. - It gets altered or completely removed there will be an updated post.) So please keep an eye out.

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Karbz says: The above rule change has been revoked until further notice, this change (update) was implemented poorly, and I apologise.

We will make it clearer, and easier to understand but nonetheless it will be returning after more intense discussion.


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