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Server Rule Change -

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--- Quote from: Ahsoka_Tano on November 10, 2023, 03:55:59 pm ---Forced to respect 1 police officer vs 1 criminal is apparently too Hard for criminals who need to hold their friends Dick all the time.

--- End quote ---

1 police officer vs 1 criminal ? u barely see this in mcnr, most of the time its +4 cops on ur ass and this trash update gonna make it worse

also u urself never played alone, "holding ur teammates dicks" all the time so yeah cut the shit we all know u

Just revert it back already, it's just laughable.

Still y'll can't get the server back as active as before, keep trying to make server more worst.
lt won't do anything!

No sense of crews and groupmembers here.
As a crew member I should watch and laugh at my teammate how he gets killed by 3 full of sultan cops (because you know that pussies right now won't leave cop duty cuz of teaming).
It just sounds so stupid making this rule.
I like how you trying to make the deathmatch less, but still we can kill a cop for asking us to pull over/freeze or declines our bribe haha  ;D
It is just another nerf and a reason to play as cop, instead of buffing them (how it should be).

Cheers  :)

Nice gg i love mcnr yay grats u just destroyed mcnr again first u started with that rule which made us unable to kill mws and now u did this, now watch how players will leave again. At least ask us first man


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