Official > Updates and Changelogs


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Version 1.16.1

Zero RC Expansion
Zero has expanded his business to Los Santos and Las Venturas!

The new Los Santos store can be found in Santa Maria Beach, near the Pay 'n' Spray:

The new Las Venturas store can be found in Roca Escalante, behind the Las Venturas Police Department:

- Added additional entrance/exits to Sherman Dam.
- Added parachute pickup to top of Sherman Dam.

Name change request system improvements:
- Names that have recently become available (from someone changing their name from it) will not be able for other players to request until 28 days have passed.
- Players can no longer request a name change to a name that someone else has already requested a change to.

- Added 'fall protection' to all custom mapped interiors, to lessen the chance of players falling if they have lag/packetloss.

- Lessened the chance of personal vehicles spawning above/below the player.
- Personal vehicles can no longer be managed (/v) while being delivered.

- Fixed being able to accept duels while having services provided.
- Fixed PM notification sound playing even if you ignored the player.
- Fixed safe robbery bags not removed from players on city change.
- Fixed banned players being able to retain properties by attempting to log in, resetting their 'last online' time.
- Fixed Trucking skipping the 'Collect the cargo' phase if a trailer was previously used for a Trucking mission but it was failed/cancelled before the cargo was delivered.
- Fixed issue in Video Poker where Straight and Straight Flush were not calculated correctly.
- Fixed an issue with /dropweapon (/dw) where weapons sometimes would remain in a player's loadout.
  - This only affected ammoless weapons (e.g. a Shovel), and only if replacing an existing weapon drop.
- Fixed firefighter service menu not showing.
- Fixed vehicle ID mixup on city change causing 'Cops cannot start this mission' error when entering police pursuit vehicles or random vehicles being marked as the Dynamite Delivery mission vehicle and starting said mission upon entry.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Great Work Mike.

Good job !




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