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Madd Dogs mansion and Casino robbery bug


Simple. I crack the safe at LS Casino and Madd Dogs mansion. I succefuly do it, but i dont get the money bag to go to hideout or the money, and i get a message "Something went wrong". Fix the bug. I'm getting free stars for nothing. Also @Mike , you owe me all the money i didnt get from this safes you see in the photos.

Oh I hate vague error messages - who would do such a thing?!

I've looked at the code and I think I know what happened so should be an easy fix.

I have added additional error messages and will have to have someone replicate this to find out what's happening exactly.

Bug report by Absolutely.Subarashi (forum topic #17117)
Issue #3431IssueSafe cracking (hideout) failed to start robberyDescriptionSometimes (non-consistent) safe (hideout required) is cracked but robbery bag not attached.Script areaSafe crackingPriorityHighLogged byMikeAssigned toMikeStatusInvestigatingCommentsAdded additional debugging in 1.15.5 RC2 and will require replication.

It looks like a robbery type is already set so it can't set another one.


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