Off Topic > GTA San Andreas mods

[TIP] Reduce Game Crashes by 99.9%

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Does your game crash a lot?
Do you have no mods but it still crashes?
Do you want to keep some mods and reduce the crashes by 90%?

You've come to the right place!

In order to reduce the game crashes a lot, you need a few requirements mentioned below:

1. Original copy of the game (if you use a pirated one, then they must be around 4 GB).
2. ASI Loader
3. Silent Patch
4. III.VC.SA.LimitAdjuster

STEP 1(Game Setup):

Install a clean GTA folder on your PC. Then install the SA-MP using its installer.

STEP 2 (ASI Loader):

Download Silent's ASI Loader ( from the given link first. Click on the "Download Mod" option.

Now, click on the first "Download" button.

After downloading, open the zip file and put both DLL files in your game folder and confirm the replacement. This will make ASI mods to work.

STEP 3 (Silent Patch):

At first, go to the GTA Forums website ( and scroll down once. You'll see an option "DOWNLOAD SilentPatchSA".

Click on it. Once it is downloaded, copy both SilentPatch.asi & SilentPatch.ini in your GTA directory. Done!

STEP 4 - Optional, but better to do it (III.VC.SA.LimitAdjuster):

Go to the website named GitHub ( and click here on the "" under the section Assets.

Once downloaded, put both of the files inside your GTA directory, and here you go! You'll be getting less amout of crashes!

If you are still getting crashed, you should consider do nothing because this trick works on both low-end and high-end PCs.


why do i feel like I'm about to get scammed

I feel like someone is again provoking me. And this is what happened back in 2020

Topic is closed to avoid hate commentators. If someone have question regarding this, PRIVATE MESSAGE (;sa=send;u=4244) me.

People still haven't changed.

Imagine this is called provoking 😵😵


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