Official > Archived announcements

SA-MP Android and client versions 0.3.7 and 0.3.7 R2 no longer permitted


Due to recent events, older SA-MP client versions (0.3.7 (which includes Android) and 0.3.7 R2) are no longer allowed onto the server.
In order to join MCNR, you must have 0.3.7 R3, R4, or the latest recently released version, R5.
This is subject to change in either direction; we may allow them again, or we may disallow R3 or even R4.

It takes 30 seconds to install the latest SA-MP version:

If you get stuck, ask for help in the help section of the forum, or the #help-forum on Discord

Everyone should be using 0.3.7 R5 as otherwise servers can potentially hack your computer. Go and upgrade.

To the attacker(s): What a sad little life you must have that you need to sit attacking a SA-MP server all day and have nothing better to do. Why don't you try going outside?
Don't forget to look both ways when crossing the street 🚌 💀


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