Official > Updates and Changelogs
- Increase price of Ammunation armor.
- Decreased price of cop shop armor.
- Players that have broken out of cuffs once cannot do it again for 5 minutes to prevent endless cuff-escape-cuff-escape-repeat.
- GPS vehicle export/scrap put into separate lists to avoid confusion.
- Securicar tires are now bulletproof.
- Removed duplicate option to refill health and armor in cop shop.
- Players can now enter vehicles during the first spawn tutorial popups. It was frustrating for new players to not be able to enter a vehicle for a few minutes.
- Added information regarding new bank balance HUD display to first spawn tutorial popups.
- Fixed /piss particles not being removed when a player enters a vehicle as a passenger.
- Fixed animations being able to be performed while entering a vehicle.
- Fixed issue with player-textdraws being destroyed incorrectly.
- Fixed issue where when a Securicar guard that was previously a cop respawns, they respawn as a civilian but still 'on duty' as a cop. They will now spawn as their job.
- Fixed issue where when a Securicar guard respawned after attacking a cashier they were not put into world and interior 0 and could not see the world.
- Fixed duplicate payout for trucking mission.
- Fixed players wallet/bank account cash being mixed up.
- Fixed issue with property interior not being loaded before player is unfrozen upon entry.
- Fixed first treasure hunt clue not being shown to players because 'Treasure hunt is not running'.
- Fixed player bank balance hud displaying during intro tutorial before first spawn.
- Fixed ability to bribe players from any distance.
- Fixed cop announcements (Freeze!) being heard by all players (again).
- Fixed cops ability to place roadblock objects and spike strips while entering a vehicle.
- Fixed players with new accounts inheriting the bank balance of the previous player to use that player ID.
- Fixed player cash value change not immediately being saved to database.
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